Saturday, May 18, 2002
Damn Star Wars is awesome !!! If you STILL haven't seen that movie , then please get off your lazy rump and get to your nearest theatre. If you are a cheapeskate and just haven't wanted to " blow the money " on a movie , then give me a call at 1-800-IMMA-CHEEP , and I'll have your tickets faxed to you. Just enjoying the freedom of the weekend away from Cubes and Mission Statements and Problems and Objectives...and did I mention *wOrK* ?? *phew* Chillin' online right now grabbing some most eXceLLent themes from ThemeWorld.COM , you should check 'em out if you are getting bored with your desktop ...
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/18/2002 11:23:21 PM
Thursday, May 16, 2002
HOLY BALLS !!!!!!!!!!
THAT WAS THE FREAKING BEST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN ALL SUMMER !!!! WOOOOOOOO HHOOOOOOOOOOO ! *explitive deleted* all the critics , *explitive deleted* all the critiquing fans.... that movie was *explitive deleted* BADASS !!!!!!!! I mean c'mon what ELSE could you ask for in a Star Wars movie ? We got to see , and I will list....
1.) The origins of Boba Fett, and his father JengO
2.) Freaking YOda bounce off the WALLS with a LIghtsaber
3.)Mace Windu kick some serious bad guy butt
4.) ANNAKIN start his path down the darkside , starting with the absolute slaughter of some creep Tuskan Raiders , and then confirmed by Lord Tyranus himself to Darth Sidious.....
7.) Annakin was dark and brooding just as he should have been....
As for those ass munching critics that said " Annakin whines too much " " blah blah blah " Well gee. I"m sorry. If my MOTHER had just died I would be upset and I would miss her. If ( I wasn't married ) and Natalie POrtman walked up to me and professed her love for me , and I was a Jedi ( how cool would that be ! To be a JEdi I mean , not not married :P ) so I coudln't do squat about it , ID BE PISSED TOO ! Sheezus people. IT's an 18 yr old character.
THis movie was dadgum freaking totally 10000000% AWESOME ! Go stop reading now and go see it. I'm going to try to fall asleep now so I can have Jedi dreamZ !!!!!!
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/16/2002 11:20:12 PM
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
What are you crazy ?!?!?!?!......
Nooo. I am a STAR WARS fan !!!! Yes ladies and gentleman, boys and girls of *aLl* ages .... Jeremy ( and Sara ) are going to be going to see Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones tonight at 12:01 A.M. ( So I guess technically that means it will be Thursday morning...whatever LOL ) . Yes, I have to goto work tomorrow from 8-5 , but HEY ! We all have to make our own little personal sacrifices right ? So I have decided that yes, I Jeremy Alan Novak will give up a few precious hours of sleep to be one of the first to see *thEm* attack !!! OOOOoOOOOoOooOOOrAAAHHHHHH ! Now... no I am not completely insane , I am going to be heading to bed here in about 15 minutes... just waiting on a friend to call me so I can let him know I'll be picking up his tickets for tomorrow night ( Originally bought tickets last week for the 7:15 P.M. show on Thursday...then decided this morning I couldn't wait LOL ) , and then it's going to be off to dream about Yoda slicing and dicing major clone buttocks !!!!
In case anyone missed the notice yesterday... no more Internet browsing at work , so yes I will still be available on Trillian ( AOL/ MSN/ IRC/ YAHOO! ) , but I won't be able to keep up with the Message Board -n0r- the rAntZ as I used to be... so I still plan on doing them at night once I get home, will just have to get used to getting on the PC once I get home ;) Found out today that a friend of mine from work was definetly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ( sp.. ) so that really sucks. I called him this evening and talked on the phone for a while , and he sounded like he was feeling a little better, so I'm glad for that at least. I guess all I ( we .. people at work , and any of you schmucks that have a little read beating thing..yea...a heart ) can do is just keep hoping and praying that the situation will take care of itself in a timely manner, and allow him to get back to work. In case anyone's wondering and interested, his name is Bryan Johns. Well my eyes are watering and I'm finding that all I want to do is *babble* incoherently about Jenga ( Or is it Jenga [ lol ROOB ] ) Fett and the rest of the Star Wars gang !!! So , to be nice to Roob and Myk and all my other Star Wars buhddies out there ( dadgum you Carmen for saying you ddin't care...*sniff sniff* ) , I will cease and desist the babbling until tomorrow night after everyone has had at *least* a CHANCE to go see the film on their own LOL. Also... I will be coming back tonight and just leaving a quick " yay " or " nay " , just as to my general reaction to tha' if your interested in what I think ( Yea right , like that's going to happen ) , just check tha' site out tomorrow morning .... promise spoilers :P Okay Okay well now I really need to go lay down and recharge the ole batteries, got meetings again tomorrow and I guess it woudln't be so professional if I sat in the back and slept LOL ! Be good, and uh....
May the Schwartz Be with You....
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/15/2002 08:56:45 PM
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Effective Immediately -- No more non company Internet Usage at work. to that . That means that no longer will the Web Page be getting *any* dadgum updates while I"m at work... so this means I am going to hafta restructure and reorganize the way I am doing a few things so that I will have the time ( and energy ) to update the page at home. Only 2 more days until the Force is with us...thank you God. Going to the Mellow Mushrooms w/ some co workers and friends before the flick , so that should be good ( and filling ) fun !!! Got 2 new projects this week.... aye. Spent 7 of my 8 working hours in meetings today...boy o boy. I just can't begin :P Anyways...I want to say
Once again your WoT knowledge comes home to save the day lol , I came walking through the door ready to kill anything or anyone that moved lol , but , after seeing the nice article about " Crossroads of Twilight " , I seem to have chippered up. =)
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/14/2002 07:07:16 PM
Monday, May 13, 2002
WHOA HOLD EVERYTHING !! I forgot about this...*sigh* , how stupid has humanity become ??? I'm sure that anyone who visits this page is well aware that the second movie in the Lord of the Rings is due out this December....well. Here's the *fun* part.... it seems that due to recent events , there is a LOT of complaining going on about ...what else ? The name. Yes...that's right , now humanity in all of it's infallible wisdom has decided that The Two Towers is an offensive name, and that they should CHANGE THE NAME of the movie before it is released. Okay...running the risk of sounding insensitive here...but.... GROW THE HELL UP PEOPLE !!! I mean come freaking on... what's next ? Are we not going to be able to say the words " New " , " York " , " Two " " Towers " ... I know.... why we're at it...why don't we cut out such OFFENSIVE words such as " and " , " the " and " butt " ....I'm sure at some point in Earth's sordid history someone has used them to do .....*hushed silence* bad stuff..... I mean for fucks sake. Those books have been around for damn near ONE HUNDRED YEARS . There is no , let me repeat for those of you that are to stupid to pick it up on the first time... NO REASON to change the frigging name of a BOOK . ARGH. I told ya' you'd wish I didn't have nething to say...... ..... One more thing...for anyone offended by my opinion , I just have one thing to say..... ..|.,
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/13/2002 08:23:41 PM
*burp* Well... another couple hundred dollars invested into the ole' back.... Oye. I guess that it just puts me *thAt* much closer to being the Million Dollar Man , LOL !!! Only....SEVENTY TWO MORE HOURS until they attack. Man o Man o man I can't wait !!!! *flips flips flips* I'm about halfway through Stone of Tears right now... I have to hand it to Goodkind , he spins a damn fine yarn. I don't know as of yet that I am going to say I would rather read the Sword of Truth than the Wheel of Time ( nor if I ever will... ) , but for now, I am definetly eating them up. Still nothing really interesting to say here today lol , sorry the bLoGs have been so boring lately... I just haven't had a lot to say... ( enjoy it while it lasts... ) . *ONE* thing I have heard that is making me indubadibly ( spelling... ) happier , and I am so suprised that my g00d buhDDie Roob hasn't pointed it out yet....but....
SPIDERMAN has now kicked the crap out of yet another dadgum record...netting over Two Hundred ( Yes...that is 200 ) MiLliOn dollars , in two weekends. Man o Man. I am wondering if Star Wars is going to beat that.... I dunno' honestly...Roob , Myk what'cha think ? My only thought is that...*evEryOnE* loves frigging Spiderman.... I mean c'mon. But there is still that *explitive deleted* theory that Star Wars is for g33kz...*snArl*
OH !!! I forgot...heh.... I got a few new " tOyZ " in the last few days.... and uhm ... MYK I NEED YOU HELP WITH FALLOUT 2 !!!!! Also... I nabbed a very stylish ( In my humble opinion... ) SPIDEY WEB ACTION keychain ...hehehh , I'm such a 7 yr old :P , and a SPIDEY antenna ball.... now...I just have to save another $28 for the matching Floormats......
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/13/2002 08:17:29 PM
Sunday, May 12, 2002
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !!! I hope that all of you Mums out there are kicking it back and having the kIdz slave ya' today !!! Time to get back for all those midnight wake up calls , and the constant , nonstop uttering of " mom mom mom mom mom MOM mOm MoM mom MOM Mmom MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM " LOL ! Anyways... Sara and I are going to go up through Auburn today to try and *snAg* some Mother's Day presents from all around.... going to swing by Wally World ( Man I Hate them ) and get my Income Tax State ( thank you Lord , Alabama must have grown enough cotton to git my money... ) check cashed.... Spent the majority of yesterday vanquishing Evil throughout Sanctuary .... Diablo , lord of Terror no longer will be a threat to the free people of the Land...OORAH ! Now...I just have to take care of that ass biting brother of his.... Baal. :o/ This could be fun ;) Alrite well enough bits and bytes for now, I do this all day at work, so you'll forgive if I'm not so anxious to do it at home nemore :P I should Have more updates today , and tomorrow is the *big* day...sposed to be going back and getting another SHot in my back , this one should be permanent , but who take care of the exploded disc and screaming nerves and all that jazz. Ahhh wish me luck..... ............ Or dont..... ..|.,;)
posted by - Jeremy Novak,5/12/2002 10:00:55 AM