Copyright Jeff Christianson

Right now I'm reading:

Wizards First Rule
Terry Goodkind

My CD of the week:

Flaw Through the Eyes

I'm wasting my time playing:

IceWind Dale and Max Payne

Saturday, May 04, 2002

What in the hell. It's really early.

Going to go see SPIDERMAN today , in about 6 more hours !!! YAY FOR SPIDEY !!!

From what I understand from my co workers, it's going to be worth it , I CANT WAIT !

OKay....going back to lay down and die for afew more hours until Zero HOur is here....

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Oy and Vey

So. It has been a pretty okay week for me I guess. Aside from the new irritating little policy at work , and no , it's not the policy as much as the way the policy was delivered to me that I'm upset about , but , that's a rant for another time =)

Sara and I have found the *pUrffEct* appartments , in East Montgomery , which is close to where I work and she goes to school , which would be perfect , so now we are just trying to lock down the details.... wish us luck...or not....if not....**** off.

Okay well that's about all I can muster now , I have to go look through some Classifieds and then do something relaxing before it's 6 a.m. again , you all be g00d.

New Policy at work :

No more visitors allowed in working areas , ( such as our cubicles ) , so this means now Sara isn't even allowed to see me at work unless I come into the lobby...going to have to wait an hour or two to reply to this one...

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

OKay no blog for today. GO read Disney's website or something

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Internet Ban is in effect at work until Next Monday.... Message Board posts and Blog's will be happening still...but not until nights...thanks and be g00d :)

Monday, April 29, 2002

Okay... sorry about the silence , but Blogger seems to have been on crack lately.... I am beginning to think that they are making a push to try to get everyone on the $$$$ version of bl0gg3r , because unless your paying, your stability sucks now 'n dayz.... ahh well, you get what you pay for ;)

Had a nice and productive ( not saying what I produced.. ) weekend... played lots of Scrabble type games ( YO KIM ! ) , such as UpWords , and watched Episode IV : A New Hope , trying to get all amped up for Episode II ( don't hafta try very hard !! ) !! I was going to get a Star Wars something tonight from Wal Mart , but , they had a very very shoddy collection of Star Wars stuff there, and in fact a Wal Mart employee told us that the Wal Mart offa' Atlanta Highway actually has a much much better stock...soooo....will hafta' go by there tomorrow after work ! =)

I finally got the fourth book of the Riftwar Saga a Raymond Feist series I have been reading, that actually turns out was ORIGINALLY a D&D gaming world that Feist and some of his buddies played on , and then he decided to bring them into very interesting indeed !!! So then I guess the hours I will spend on IceWind Dale are now justified...*grIn* one except for Shelle seems to love me, as NO ONE ELSE HAS EMAILED ME AT MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS !!! ( you people all suck ) For any of you that no longer want to suck and get off my list ( I've made it , and I"m going to check it more than twice you can bet... ) drop me a line at !!!! Tell 'em SHarky sent ya' and get 75% off !!!!

Okay enough insanity for the night, I am going to go help the wife with dinner....g'nite !


Right now Jeremy is :

Jeremy's Mood Right now is

Right now Sara is

The current mood for Sara

Trillian , the sensible alternative to chatting on IM

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