Copyright Jeff Christianson

Right now I'm reading:

Wizards First Rule
Terry Goodkind

My CD of the week:

Flaw Through the Eyes

I'm wasting my time playing:

IceWind Dale and Max Payne

Saturday, April 20, 2002

Oops I did it again...

*grINz* Well, Jeremy is once again blonde as blonde can B !!! Hopefully I will get pictures up sometime soon .... so far today we have woken up at 6 ( Yes , that is six ) AM , cut my hair ( SaSa is soooOOOOooo talented , I LOVE HER ! ) , drove to Auburn for some animal shows and to see her family , came back, bleached my hair, and are currently assualting Mario Brothers III for the OrIgInAl Nintendo.... no Super, no 64.... back to the g00d 0l3 d4yz !!!

Just also got done reformatting Sara's computer WinblOwz 98 on there now... so I can get the DVD player working again ( for extra DVD ROM content... ) , and also have the digital camera hooked up there...the only problem being that, well, I have lost my card reader....( Yea I know....great huh ? ) . ANyways....depending on when I have that, we'll have some pictures up here lickity split...for now I'm off to harrass the wife ( Man, I love the weekend ! ) , b3 g00d and stay outta tr33z

Friday, April 19, 2002

Wow. Bryan just made quite the little discovery in Acculine !!! We have a full blown bonafide *bUg* on our hands seems that if a customer was to be working in a PO ( Purchase Order ) , and accidentally hit CTRL + X , instead of CTRL + C to close the PO , it will prompt them to " Close Acculine Now " , if they choose "No" , and then attempt to reopen that PO by double clicking on it, Acculine then has a complete nervous breakdown , and starts opening Blank PO windows at a VERY astonishing rate ! From there you have little choice but to sit back and watch the , I love BSOD'S , aren't they the greatest ?!?!?!?! It's too bad we coudln't get like...5$ a bug....LOL


Ahhhh the sooting power of IceeHot patches !!!! My most wonderful wife brought me out some stuffages for my back , so now I am not sitting here *wIncIng* in pain , only another SIX hours , and I'm outtttaaa here !!! YAY for Fridays !!!

Return of the Back Pain : Episode MCMXVII

Well. After almost 40 days of painfreeness , the back has given me the famous Single Finger Salute. Rah bah and bah I say !!! My wife is on the way up to my work now to bring me some Zanaflex , so that I can at least work through the rest of today , but that means I am going to be off floating somewhere in LaLa land , talking to Limes and floating on Candy Canes or some such.

Went to see my sister play Softball last night, her team did really good, but , alas they lost the game. I used to *hate* losing games....whew. I can still avidly remember how it feels to be down by like 6 points ( basketball ) with only 90 seconds left, and the realization that you just might lose the game starts to sink in....BLAH TO THAT ! Funny that I can remember playing basketball, baseball, soccer, heck , even Tae Kwon Do classes, but I can't remember what I ate for lunch 2 days ago !!!!

My book . Boy o Boy. My book has gotten really really really g00d !!! I read last night when I got back from my sisters game, and then again this morning while I was at work ( got here r33l early ) , and almost forgot to come up at 7:55 LOL. I would reccomend Wizards First Rule to ANY Fantasy fans out there... I can't vouch for the entire book ( yet ) , but I can say the first 465 pages kick mucho butto. Anyways...fixing to go check out the message boss just called me, so I'm going to go talk to g00d , post later !

Don't you think Hippo's would have really bad breathe ?

Think about it....they can't brush their teeth....

Yea...they hafta...

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Nevermind lol. Blogger is just retarded and didn't want to show my posts for half the day.....that or i'm just retarded....


I wonder why Sara is pissed , LoL , that may or may not bode well for me in about 45 minutes when we have lunch !!!! If she would ever POST ON THE PAGE , then I guess we might all now... but evidently she doesn't have time in her very busy life to let all of her friends and family know what she's doing. Ah well

*grIn* Anyways.... not alot going on here today, work was very very slow this morning (*knocks on a woodlike substance...*). Just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, or the wife to get here, whichever happens first.... ( Oh , don't worry , I'll be sure to let you know ... :P ) Another round of work here for me, and then we're off to go watch my little sister , although .... she's almost 18 , so I guess I'm going to have to stop calling her that one of these days....bah. I'm getting old. ANYWAYS....we're going to watch my sister play Softball this evening, and then home for one more night of repetitive wind down and sleep before work , and then it's the WEEKEND !!!!!!


Story in the news down here today is a lady that got pulled over for speeding, and also ticketed for having a piece of tape over her back license plate, on the part that said "Dixie" , in the phrase " Heart of Dixie " . Now.... I can understand that police don't want people covering up their expiration dates, or their actual LICENSE PLATE # .... but the state logo ?!?!?! C'mon.... any license plate " holder " or " cover " you buy from a dealership upon purchasing the car " Like Larry Pucket Chevorlet " , or whatever.... is going to cover up that EXACT same area.....only it's going to cover most of the BOTTOM as well. Why don't we start pulling everyone that has those on their cars over. *AND* , while we're at it, we mine as well designate pull over points on major highways and Interstates so that Police can start checking your preset Radio stations , if they're going to tell you how your car can look , then why not ?!?!?

Rah bah and bah. Another news story that I'm sure everyone has already heard of, and if not, where the hell have you been all day ? The Canadians that accidentally got hit by one of our Fighter Pilots. Is it sad ? Definitely. Should it have happened ? Definitely not. Is it worth raising an enormous fuss ? No. I'm sorry... but in my very humble opinion, if you are going to fight a War , you are going to have casulities. It's a simple as would be nice if that wasn't so , but it is. I sincerely doubt ( and God help the pilot if he did ) that our Figher Pilot was bored, and decided, " Oh what the hell, I think I'll go blow up some Canadians !!!! " . No. It was an honest mistake, MAYBE due to stress or carelessness...but again, as sad as it is, these * things* happen * in * war. If you want to fight a war without casulities, go play Risk. ( although if you play in my family, that's not guaranteed either... )

OOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOooooOOO I'm hopping mad now. I am in this group in my MIS class that has to do a project, and since everyone in my group in completely computer ILLITERATE I'm offering to do the entire power point thing by myself as long as they look up the information for me. WeeeeEEEEeeeelllll. Everyone was suppose to give me thier info Tues and 3 out of 4 people didn't show up for class. So, I sent out emails to everyone and today everyone was in class with info in hand except this one pompous little twit. After class she just walked right by me and out the door without sayin one word or anything. I should get her a zero on our project grade. Mwahahahhahah!!! Too bad I'm not mean enough to do that.



( I finally managed to get the filter right in email so that my duplicate work emails get filed directly into a folder instead of cluttering up my Inbox.... )

Man I'm a geek.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002


***Added a Family Forum , to the links at the left, so that mine and Sara's family ( as well as anyone who doesn't want to worry about what they're going to read LOL ) can still post and participate and say hi and what not .... so , this accomplishes a few things....

1.) Gives Family a place to post without worrying about content

2.) Stops any complaining about the content on the main message board

3.) Allows posters on the main board to go hog wild ( Your welcome guys :P )

And if no one cares, do me a favor, ACT LIKE IT !!!! :P


Bravo Leader, over and out

Alright...Sara is complaining about now being able to access the Blog.... I've fixed that, now let's see how long it takes her to take advantage of that fact....LoL !!!

Oh my gosh.....Sara's mood still my's a miracle !!!


Alriteeeeee. And away we go again !!! We now officially have less than one ( 1 ) month left until Star Wars : Attack of the Clones is released in theatres.... and can I get a HOOrAY for that !!!!! Per normal there isn't tons and tons of stuff going on today..... although the weather has taken a rather dramatic tempature change !!!! It's about 86 degrees ( probably feels like 90 with the Humidity....YUCK to hUmIdIty ) , with just a few clouds in an otherwise untouched gorgeous blue sky !!! I wish I could knock a hole in the ceiling right above my know , like a Sunroof. But we could call it....


A cuberoof ? Hrmmmmmm I'm going to hafta talk to marketing about this..... could be a possible million dollar idea ;) Although...LOL , I should probably forget about it for now, and remember when I get home....we just got a brand new " Ethics " policy via Email ( gotta luv it ) , that informs us that *ANY* idea we have during the business day , belongs to Amerisource Bergen lol , so that means if while pondering the mysteries of the Technical Support Universe, I should, say happen across the cure for cancer, or invent a car that runs on Banana Peels , I would have absolutely *zIlch* claim to it, since it was between the hours of 8-5 .... great isn't it ? That's the kinda deal I need...... come work for me, and if you think of ANYTHING worthwhile during the time you're here, it belongs to us lol.

It's 12:02 and ALL IS WELLLLLLL !!!!! Or at least as well as it can be on the third floor of my priso......I mean workplace ! I have decided to be healthy again , LoL , and I had forgotten just how much work actually goes into that.... whew. I ran about a mile last night with Solo , the wondermutt , and by the time I got home, and ate dinner, I was ready to pass out face first into whatever would hold still the longest !!!! As it was, I ended up making it to about .... ohh.... I'd say 8:30 or so before succumbing to my body's will to pass out... hopefully tonight I'll make it up a LITTLE later than that !!!!!

Sara has become little mrs Martha Stewart ( Just not as bitchy ) , with the back yard.... spent an hour or so last night raking up dead leaves , and has evidently unearthed a garden today , that she is going to try to transplant some more attractive scenery than Pinecones into today. We need to make a water fountain out there.... first must track down a Outdoor graded water pump though..... Lowes here I come !!!!

Hip to theHop to the hippity hop hop, bounce till ya bop and ya just can't stop ! Later G8ers !

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Kyo CHA !!!

MuhAhAhAhA !! =) Almost time to go !!! 30 more minutes and I will be free to go experience, the " Real World " . Yay !! I'm still not sure if I have quite worked up the energy to go on a walk today... heh , we'll see. It's amazing how fast you can go from " that jock guy " to " that couch potato " guy !!! I'm almost glad Myk doesn't live near me sometimes , lol , cos I'm sure I'd be geating my @$$ beat regularly.... or at least until I got bUff !!!! ( Yea...that's right, I said buff, you gotta problem w/ that ?!?!?! I didn't think so.... )

Dippy Dippy Dippy. What can I say about my youngest cat. He's insane. He's wild. He's racous. He's loud. He's crass. He's his fathers son :P That cat though , has had a deathwarrant out for me for the last week, I swear it ! I'm starting to think all those times a cat " accidentally " runs into your feet just as your starting DOWN the stairs, or around the corner , aren't really quite so accidental.....hrmmmmmmm.....

The little d00d took it upon himself to annilate my newly acquired vegetation ( a cacti !! ) , and Sara's little Angel figurine.... neeldess to say neither of us was exactly *thrilled* !!! I am so glad that we got a cat when we got married, because just dealing with him has DEFINETLY proven the fact that we do not NOT not NOt not NOT not NOT not NOT not NOT not NOT noT not not NOT want to have kids ANY time

Going to hafta' check the news again tonight and see what the latest development over in Israel / Palenstine... I can't beleive how much more violent things have gotten just in the last few the now infamous words of Rodney King.... "Can't we all just get along ?"

Seriously though... I am glad that I reside over here , albeit maybe not in a perfect country, but not one where I have to eye each person I don't know suspiciouly cos I think they're going to blow me up ! Damn.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH by the way for all you Star Wars fans ( and to hell with the rest of you ! ) , only ONE MORE MONTH until the big day !!! WOOOOO and HOOOOOOO ! I for one, cannot wait !! Well...I guess actually since I am waiting, I can wait, but I don't want to wait ! ( If my humble opinion counts for anything at all.... ) I'm seroiusly seriously hoping that this movie will prove to be better than Episode I , because I'm sorry, and I know you've all heard it before, but Dammit I coulda made a better Episode I ( and it would have started with Darth Maul giving that little *Censored* Obi Wan what he had coming to him dadfrackinggummit ! ) . As long as Jar Jar stays low key , and lotssa stuff gets blown up , I'm sure it will all be fine though !! =)

Movie onslaught time is actually quickly heading our way... Spiderman will be hitting the theatres in about 2 weeks I guess, and then right after that the Harry Potter movie comes out on DVD and Video ( does anyone still use video..... makes me feel like I'm messing w/ an 8 track or something....LoL ) , then we have Episode II ( drum roll ) , and then Two Towers ( HIZ HIZ HOOORAH ! ) , and hopefully soon thereafter ( or before... ) the Fellowship of the Ring will be on DVD.... that is one I am DEFINETLY going to be buying the day it comes out... hopefully they'll pack the DVD fulla' nifty extra's... if not , oh well.

Okay well I have offically rambled myself out....again. Be g00d and stay away from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.....( or was it tr33z ??? )

Rahzza Bahzza Bah Bah

Two more hourrss Two more Hoursss Two more hours and I'm FREEEE ! =) What's up everybody . It's your favorite HOzer Head !!!

Work has been busy busy BUSY o man. Phones are ringing off the hook , and onto someone else's !! I swear, when I get my house I am *not* having a phone LOL , or if I have one, I'll get one of those strobing do higgers , that instead of ringing, well....



Yes , I know, funny I am. So what have we been up to for the last few days ? Yes, I know you really could care less, so just close your browser :P


Went to Auburn to visit some of Sara's friends and bought my brother and mother some gifts from David's Gallery , a nice little shop up in Auburn, if you are ever in the area I reccomend you stop by there, they have TONS of great homemade wood stuff, and the best smelling incEnsE in town !!
That afternoon / evening we went to see the WWF , at the Garrett Collesium here in good ole' Montgomery , Alabama, and that was spec*censored*tacular, if I may say so myself !!! Besides eating 5 , wonderfully delicous gormet Hot Dogs ( yay ) , I got to see the best of the WWF , including HHH , Kurt Angle, Edge, and a few others =) That was ALOT of fun , although Sara and I both agreed that we'd like to see it at a better venue, because, no offense to Montgomery , but the venue SUCKED ! No " decorations " or anything, the sodas sucked, no tv screens or stages set up , etc etc. Whatever :)

Sunday.... I'm pretty sure that we managed to get absolutely positively NOTHING accomplished... I think I may have beat Throne of Bhaal late that night, but techincally that would be a Monday accomplishment !!! LoL. So I am finally done with my game (yay for me) , and I'm already started on Max Payne ( which is badass btw if you haven't chcked it out ) and IceWind Dale again.... spent about 2 hours last night creating my party for IceWind I just need to wait for some time to play !!!!

I'm actually *trying* to get back into some kinda' shape.... scary thought huh ? I have actually managed to become quite the couch potato in the last few years , lol , and I'm going to see if I can get active again , before my beer belly turns into triplets !!!! Took the horse ( dog...whatever ) out walking this weekend, and am going to TRY to make myself go walking or jogging today when I get home from work, but after 8 or 9 hours of work, my motivation just seems to fizzle lol.

Anyways.... I've been on hold for about 10 minutes now with this Division lady in Massachusettes.... so I'm going to hang up and call her back....rant on !

Greatest Googly Moogly

I''''''''''mmmm backkk. =) It is nice to finally be back at work bringing home some bacon !!! It's Tuesday afternoon ( although I guess you can all read the date/time stamps after my posts, so my pointing that out is , well , pointless ! ) , and I'm stuck here in *cUbElAndIA* again !! It is an absolutely drop dead GORGEOUS day outside, so my first question is WHY THE HECK ARE YOU READING THIS ?!?!?! GO PLAY !!!!


I'm serious...go...


Right now Jeremy is :

Jeremy's Mood Right now is

Right now Sara is

The current mood for Sara

Trillian , the sensible alternative to chatting on IM

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